Health and Personal Safety
EPROM safety vision is based on the conviction that all accidents are preventable. Safety culture is constantly developing across the company, both among EPROM own personnel and those of its subcontractors, and focuses on improving safe behavior and people's safety awareness.
There is a strong link between safety culture and safety performance. People work safely so there will be fewer accidents and ill health issues. In order to do that, EPROM is striving to create a strong positive safety culture, which has direct influence on workers’ behavior.
EPROM takes the welfare of its staff seriously and gives high priority to health and safety to prevent harm to work force. An ongoing effort to improve people's working conditions also forms part of people safety development work and enhance their behavior.
EPROM continues to improve the personal safety of its team by establishing safety policy with clear priorities and targets to be achieved. Competent staff have the appropriate training, knowledge, experience and skills necessary to do their job, also communication of safety information and training is a vital tool in improving safety related behavior. Safety training starts from safety inductions courses for new employees and continues through their career improvement.
EPROM assesses the safety culture by measuring and recording injuries, accidents, absenteeism, sickness rate and compliance with safety rules where outputs of these items can be used as indicators for future references.
We work to reduce exposure to occupational risks such as noise, fatigue, stress and other health issues, by studying factors affecting people at work, such as the existence of hazardous conditions or substances at certain operating sites and by periodic medical surveillance of EPROM personnel.